Joy hearts - vision
We believe it is crucial to keep learning. Our businesses and teams deserve to grow, and they only do if you grow, too.
At any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or to step back into safety – Abraham Maslow
Where are you headed right now?
Executive Coaching
Leading businesses and teams is the most rewarding, challenging and sometimes lonely job in the world. Get Annlone in your corner to grow your business while you are growing, too.
Culture Workshops
Culture work with your team enables unexpected staff members to step up, noticeable shifts in atmosphere and connections between staff, and genuine goals being set and actions being taken to create the needed results.
Mindset Training
Challenge your long-held, deep-rooted, unresourceful beliefs and learn the tools to get the most out of your amazing mind in business and everyday life. You cannot change others or what’s happening around you – it starts with you.
Let others do the talking: Bloody amazing Meta session! I came in sceptical to your ability to facilitate this change in me, but I am blown away with your humour, directness, openness and sharpness to pick up on my cues within the session and make me fly as if I never had the problem. What was a hindrance is now a strength! Ginny Monteiro, Sydney
Let’s be the best version of ourselves. Celebrate our diversity. We all have masculine and feminine energy and drive, and when we combine our inner strengths, magic happens.
We believe that when you open your heart, joy will follow. When you start listening to that inner voice the results of your business and the quality of your life will improve. Get inspiration from Annlone’s Danish/Australian tips in 7 years’ worth of fortnightly blogs here
Annlone is a credit to the coaching community. Her ability to be truly present and cut through story to get to the heart of an issue has helped me beyond measure. By creating a safe space of playful curiosity and hearing beyond what is being said, she calibrates questions to effectively challenge long-held, deep-rooted, unresourceful beliefs and to foster insightful realisations for transformational change. She helped me to gain awareness and clarity around some of my most self-destructive behaviours, and assisted me with the creation of strategies to further my journey towards self-love and realisation of purpose. Thank you Annlone, for your wonderful gift. I’ve never felt more alive.
In my business attitude is everything. Whilst advertising is exciting and has many highs points, we also have many challenges: On any given day there are numerous situations where the team could become negative on a project. In my opinion, a positive culture is the biggest advantage an organisation can have. In her work with us, Annlone helped us recognise and understand how our mindset can become a hindrance in the workplace, and gave us the tools to flip it to a more positive and productive one. She was engaging and personal, but more importantly our team was immediately able to put her ideas into practice.
Now I know that change is not something to be avoided by endless procrastination but something to be embraced if I am to live a happier life. I think the following quote sums it up quite nicely: At any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or to step back into safety – Abraham Maslow. Thank you Annlone for so generously sharing your time and wisdom and helping me step in to that growth mindset!
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