Can Good Hearts create results?

I’ve never commented on politics – I have my views, but have seldom seen constructive outcomes from different sides discussing. But I’m so curious about this, and would love to hear your views:

Obama was cherished by the global community at large, but seen by many Americans to not have created the results for their country that they wanted.

I know there are always many reasons, but let’s not talk about the small stuff. As Eleanor Roosevelt said: great minds talk about ideas, average minds talk about events, and small minds talk about people. So, let’s not talk about (or judge?) people, but share a conversation around the idea:

Do you create as many tangible results with a good heart and empowering ways? Or are our countries and economies and minds still wired to reacting with better results to a more single-minded, directing way?

Because there you have Trump, and even if personally I am not aligned at all with his ways, I am always curious to understand both sides. And I do hear how he is creating results for his country. So please don’t comment on him as a person, instead, ponder about which part of his ways are working for those people?

And here is an NZ prime minister in full alignment with how I believe leaders should lead: values-based, inclusive and being themselves, not fitting a mould of masks. But I hear (and feel?) nervousness around whether her style can create results.

We could call this the feminine vs the masculine way. Not gender specific, but how we all have both, and often use one side more strongly than the other. And where Obama and Jacinda clearly lead from their feminine, Trump is a prime example of leading from your masculine.

I truly want better lives for all. Higher quality living, education, welfare for all, everybody feeling seen, valued and belonging.

To obtain this, we need economies, businesses and results-focus, too. Unconditional love may be the ultimate goal, but it is through our daily lives and making a living that we practice it.

So, back to my original question: Do you create as many tangible results with a good heart and empowering ways? Or are our countries and economies and minds still wired to reacting with better results to a more single-minded, directing way? What if we could create an amazing mix of both?

Back to global politics; the media and our general conversation unfortunately often becomes about individuals, about gender – and using it to separate more than unite.

How can we instead create amazing results on a global AND local scale, using all of our abilities? Each one of us, leader or not, using the mix of our directive, results-focused masculine qualities (the WHAT) and the empowering, collaborative process-focused qualities (the HOW).

I look forward to getting inspired by your insights and views. Isn’t that what politics is really about? To share views and then create results? Let’s create a higher quality conversation. And more unconditional love.