This may sound scary. It definitely scared me. But I did it anyway, and great clarity and focus came from it. I thought it may inspire some of you, too.
“What if I let go of everything I knew used to work??”
So many of us are getting to a point right now where we are realising that parts of our businesses or lives never will get back to exactly how it was.
We may have been patient, accepting, lucky, or whatever the last half-year, but now you can’t keep pretending that “all will be back to normal” anymore.
“New normal” may not be as attractive to you, your business, or your deeper, inner knowing as “old normal” was.
If this is resonating, it may be a good idea to ask yourself the question I put at the start. Letting go. Fully.
To allow yourself to start fresh. With a new piece of paper. A new canvas. A new business plan. A new road map. Based on what IS, not on what could have been.
This won’t be easy, there may be even levels of grief as you do this work. But it will be worth it, giving you a new level of clarity, acceptance, AND motivation to move forward. I am sending you my best thoughts and energy as you ask yourself the question. And allow the answers. It may be time.