Beautiful weather today. Taking the time to enjoy it. Allowing smooth sailing. How often do we miss that opportunity?
The better educated, the smarter you are, the bigger the risk that you can ALWAYS find something that could be done better. Something that could be improved. Something that you or others are not doing to the optimal level yet.
It’s great to have a drive and in most instances, a laser-sharp perception that notices everything, is a gift to have.
Then the only thing we need to teach ourselves or remind ourselves is to let go now and then. Smell the roses, enjoy what it. Take a day out, not ticking things off lists, not improving anything. Just being.
We could have considerably more smoother sailing in our lives and businesses than we allow ourselves. Basic mindset techniques are brilliant to learn and apply, and one of the core ones is that what you focus on, you get more of.
And because we’re so ABLE to fix problems, we focus on them and get a kick out of solving them. While simultaneously, a lot of smooth sailing was available to us in that same moment. But we didn’t look that way and missed it.
What about taking this next month to focus on the smooth sailing? On the positives, the opportunities, the amazing results, teams, and relations we already have. Then that’s where our energy goes. Giving us more of that. Smooth sailing.