Do your feet feel stuck in the mud? Wanting to get traction but it’s not really happening? Or you’re actually good to go, but everyone around you seems stuck in the mud?
If you’re happy as a pig in mud, all good. But if you’re ready for change, allow yourself to reach for a new thought. New inspiration. A new person to talk to. A new type of book to read. A new kind of music to listen to.
Our brains are really simple – they can’t have two thoughts at one time. So, if you want to get out of the mud, reach for ANY new thought that takes you somewhere new.
Mud baths are great and it’s healthy to allow ourselves to sit with our thoughts and accept we are as we are, and that things are as they are.
If you get to a point where you want to get out of the mud, change your thought. Reach for the most positive thought available to you at that moment. That’s a great start. Then when you’re ready, hose down those muddy shoes – leave them to dry and try with some good, nourishing shoe polish. Your steps may just feel a bit different