We all need connection. To feel we belong. Somehow, somewhere.
Whether it’s taking 20 minutes to go and chat with the older man down the street – or putting your phone away and being fully present while you talk with your family. Whether it’s playing 100% in a workshop room and truly connect with the others – or having that one-on-one conversation that goes one step deeper.
We see it in their faces, feel it in our hearts when a connection is created. The energy in a big room goes up dramatically when you as a facilitator allow the participants to share insights with the person next to them.
It’s very seldom about the content. It’s very often about the connection. Because that’s what we really long for: connecting, somehow, somewhere.
This week, do your best to be fully present in all your interactions. Listen to understand, enter with resourceful intentions. Be part of creating true connection. And enjoy witnessing the outcomes. That’s the power of connection.