I am who I am

You may have seen the Dove video where two entrances are put up, titled “average” and “beautiful”. And how only very few people dare walking through the latter. How much it takes for us to feel beautiful. But how those who do straighten their backs and feel so good for stating to the world that I AM BEAUTIFUL, in my own way. At 13 my parents had heard me describe how atrocious my body looked for so long that they decided to make it into a human size poster – and showed it as part of their speech at my confirmation party. Crooked teeth, different size feet, eyes and boobs, hairy legs, crooked toes, wide frame, short fat legs, half-blind, crazy curly hair… You get the picture? And yet in reality, here was a pretty normal girl – my self-image was just magnifying the little discrepancies, instead of celebrating and magnifying the overall impression, which was OK. And who says what beautiful is? I have definitely had moments of feeling beautiful. We are who we are. We look the way we look. We all look DIFFERENT, so how can we even judge versus others, when every single one of us … More I am who I am »

Two years from now – who are you??

Two years from now, what are you doing? Who are you being? I look back and see so many wonderful changes. Because I made a decision nearly two years ago out of pure passion and feeling it was right. What is one little thing that you will start doing for pure Joy? Because you would love to. Because doing that thing say once a month will make you happy and start connecting again with how Joy feels. When it’s not because someone thinks you should do it or it would be great for you – but because YOU have a yearning for giving it a go. Make that decision now! It can be something tiny. It can be a new hobby. Or an hour doing absolutely nothing, purposely. Needing only that you carve out 1 hour for YOU say once a month to explore and do this thing. Now imagine two years from now. How much joy and energy that activity or non-activity has given you. And the ripple effects on other areas of your life and the people in your life??!! What are you waiting for? I’m heading out to find a hula hoop ring, haven’t done that since … More Two years from now – who are you?? »

Saying NO. Plainly NO.

It’s Christmas soon. And we say yes to everything and forget to enjoy the magic moments leading up to this lovely season. Time is right for a lesson of saying NO. A colleague told me how schools in Netherlands started teaching girls in year 3 to say NO. With amazing effects on reduced teenage pregnancies and rape – because the girls knew how to say no, and the boys knew that no meant no. So I’m gonna teach you. Choose a person you trust to practice this with. Look them straight in the eyes and say NO! If you look away, smile, add a giggle or any other distraction after, it doesn’t count: you’ve just negated the whole thing. Go again. NO! Keep practising, say it louder and with even more conviction: NO!!! If you need help, add a stomp of your foot while you shout NO! This is surprisingly difficult for many of us. Keep going. We did it with our youngest at some point, and she responded that they were not allowed to say no or talk back at an adult. That really scared me, if that is what authority Australia teaches our kids at school, we need … More Saying NO. Plainly NO. »

Superwoman down with man flu!

When superwoman is sick. We just keep going. Power through. Work. Do all the things that have to get done. I’m working on getting rid of superwoman. So what better opportunity than this week, when I realised I had powered through (because of lots of VERY important things). And trying to hide the fact that I was sick by changing plans slightly (working from home midweek) but still doing all the same things, delivering to all plans. FULL STOP! Who am I kidding? Myself. Looking after everybody else’s needs when my body was clearly telling me ENOUGH. So after a night of coughing, I realised: men do it right. They get the man flu. They’re sick. They’re OUT. Decided right there and then to have the man flu and pull the plug. Cancelled everything for the next 48 hours. Do you know how hard that is? You are coming up with excuses why you could still do x and join y, just via phone. Full stop. NO! (hahaaaaa… some of you will remember me teaching saying NO, must share in one of the upcoming blogs, it does come in handy, including the stomp of the foot!). One of our daughters … More Superwoman down with man flu! »

Being crazy – the fun way!

When was the last time you surprised yourself and those around you? In a good way that is. Did something out of character, made fun of something you would normally take very seriously?? Well I don’t like cooking that much, but last week Hellofresh turned up on my doorstep again (forgot to extend the delivery pause I had put in), and I truly enjoyed cooking the meals that week. And one evening I decided to have a party while cooking, closed the doors, turned up some funky music and literally jumped and danced while preparing, sniffing the herbs and ingredients like it was the first time I met them. Hazardous moments? Yes. Did I end up laughing of myself jumping around? Yes. Did the family later comment on whether that was me jumping before… the movement they felt in the floor…?? Hahaaaa… Surprise yourself. Surprise others. By doing something you really feel like, cherishing the moment, making a party out of a mundane daily task like ‘The Clothing Line Funk’ (putting a smile on the neighbours’ faces too), ‘Cleaning the Kitchen after Dinner Dance’, the ‘Finding a way through to the Floor Tidying Up Tango’. ‘Dance with the Kids just … More Being crazy – the fun way! »

You are so beautiful… Who me??!

We all look different. Isn’t that fascinating? Think of all the people you know and have ever met (and that’s actually a lot when you think of it!), it would be hundreds, if not thousands when you add up school, activities you’ve done, concerts you’ve been to and the average number of people we see as we walk through the shopping centre…. As you’re now mentally scanning all of those faces and bodies, notice how we all look different. Each one of us is our own version indeed! So how come we have a singular, narrow idea of what beautiful is??? How come most of us aren’t happy with how we look? We can start blaming media, but what if it’s really our own tactic, used to move attention away from ourselves?? Instead of accepting and trying to be happy with our bodies and looks, we create some impossible standard to measure ourselves against. That none of us will ever meet. Because every single one of us looks different. And beauty therefore cannot be nailed to one thing. Wow….. So let’s start singing Joe Cocker’s song to ourselves: “You are so beautiful… to me”! And let ourselves feel what it’s … More You are so beautiful… Who me??! »

Irrever-something: my new favourite word!

I’ve got a new, favourite word! Irreverent. Being irreverent. I had to look it up, and now my best description is to be direct, saying things as they are, taking things lightly that are normally taken seriously, being cheeky with a good intention. The dictionary will also say disrespectful or rude. But that doesn’t work for me. What I LOVE about this word is the energy it gives. The permission to be BIG, to use the childlike curiosity to say things they way they are – with respect, but also with a detachment to the outcome. That I’m not judging you or the situation, I’m offering a way of seeing it that none of us were aware of before. What most often gets us stuck is that we take a situation (and ourselves!!) MUCH too seriously. By putting on my irreverent hat (Iet’s make it bright green with a feather?!), I am taking myself lighter already, I look at the situation with a curious, cheeky-loving glance, and may come up with a view on it that takes out all the emotion, drama, judgment, blame and defence. How good is that? So this one word helps me put my frame of … More Irrever-something: my new favourite word! »

Do you always take the burnt sausage yourself??

Are you always taking the smallest cookie yourself? Or the burnt sausage… ? Be honest!! And have you stopped celebrating your own birthday, because it’s much more important to plan for the kids’ ones? The Sacrificial mother. A friend lent me the book the other week. How mothers seem to jump into a role very different to where they came from pre-kids. Putting the children first in everything, buying clothes for them but not yourself. And even taking PRIDE in how some of our favourite pieces are from before the kids (which serves a double purpose in social standing: pride of being able to fit them still and showing that I’m not overly vain). I’m so guilty of this one – my favourites are mainly skirts, the blouses and cardigans simply were falling apart and I HAD to push myself to let them go. One of the skirts even has a small hole, and I convince myself no-one will see it, or if they do, it could just have happened that morning (really?!! kidding myself for 13 years like that… it was a skirt from after the second child, mind you). This is where it gets so embarrassing that the … More Do you always take the burnt sausage yourself?? »

Friends….isn’t that a kids’ thing?!!

What if friendship was the most important thing in your life? What if keeping connected with a few close friends was the best gauge of your mental wellbeing? Those of you with kids, here’s a quiz: how many times have your son/daughter seen their best friend the last month (outside of school)? Now question to you all: how many times have YOU seen your best friend the last month? I bet the numbers are different. And now all the excuses are coming flooding out of your brain: too busy, the weekends are full of kids’ sports, I need to do the house/washing/garden in the weekends, we see our family instead…. Just keep them coming, come on, you can do a few more: I’m working weekends as well to keep on top of things, I’m helping my mum out…. Well, well, that’s all a choice. What if you chose to catch up with your best friend at least once a month. Or every quarter. Making it important. How can you carve out time in your busy schedule? And I don’t mean any friend. Not the ones you feel you have to invite. Or inviting the whole group even if it’s really … More Friends….isn’t that a kids’ thing?!! »

I CAN shout… well maybe, I think, if really needed??!!

When did you last use your full voice? Not as an overwhelm thing because you lost the plot. But purposely using your full voice to claim your space? Speaking up. Literally? Here is a funny exercise: in your car, windows hermetically closed (recommend not choosing waiting at a red light) – or home alone, neighbours not in their garden – shout out a series of very loud YES and NOs (pretend to stop something happening at the other end of your house or garden), really loudly. It sounds easy, but for most of us it is SO difficult and feels really awkward. Your voice is such an important part of you. Do you like your speaking voice? Or have you tried meeting someone, or just walking past them in a shop or at the hairdresser, and you think: THAT voice is not doing you any favours, is it? Can be a mousy, tiny, fragile one (and the owner is trying to get her way at the post office counter – not gonna happen, right?), or a silent, nice, calm voice but with that tone of “don’t trust me, don’t count on a word I say”? If you’re ready to boost … More I CAN shout… well maybe, I think, if really needed??!! »