Let go of everything you knew worked

This may sound scary. It definitely scared me. But I did it anyway, and great clarity and focus came from it. I thought it may inspire some of you, too. “What if I let go of everything I knew used to work??” So many of us are getting to a point right now where we are realising that parts of our businesses or lives never will get back to exactly how it was. We may have been patient, accepting, lucky, or whatever the last half-year, but now you can’t keep pretending that “all will be back to normal” anymore. “New normal” may not be as attractive to you, your business, or your deeper, inner knowing as “old normal” was. If this is resonating, it may be a good idea to ask yourself the question I put at the start. Letting go. Fully. To allow yourself to start fresh. With a new piece of paper. A new canvas. A new business plan. A new road map. Based on what IS, not on what could have been. This won’t be easy, there may be even levels of grief as you do this work. But it will be worth it, giving you a … More Let go of everything you knew worked »

The beauty of repetition

Have you recently thought of the quality of the things we repeat? “How we do one thing is how we do everything”. “It all adds up”….. and I could keep going. What are your examples of routines or people that are recurring in your business and life? Because we both work from home, I realised how we spend more time in the vicinity of our fortnightly cleaner than with some of our friends. This week I took the decision to change cleaner. Not easy after 6 years, but it was time. Having looked after our oldest daughter’s 3-legged bunny since she moved back to Denmark, I yesterday realised how feeding Twix and chatting to her every second day would have added up to over 300 encounters while I’ve been ‘on duty’. That’s more times than I’ve been in the shops connecting with my local community – as I try keeping that to 1-2 times a week. Do you kiss your partner every day? Even if you’re not young and madly in teenager-love anymore? Depending on your answer that’s 365 kisses or maybe none the last year. If it’s a no, I’ve had more kinaesthetic connection with our 3-legged bunny the … More The beauty of repetition »

Smooth sailing

Beautiful weather today. Taking the time to enjoy it. Allowing smooth sailing. How often do we miss that opportunity? The better educated, the smarter you are, the bigger the risk that you can ALWAYS find something that could be done better. Something that could be improved. Something that you or others are not doing to the optimal level yet. It’s great to have a drive and in most instances, a laser-sharp perception that notices everything, is a gift to have. Then the only thing we need to teach ourselves or remind ourselves is to let go now and then. Smell the roses, enjoy what it. Take a day out, not ticking things off lists, not improving anything. Just being. We could have considerably more smoother sailing in our lives and businesses than we allow ourselves. Basic mindset techniques are brilliant to learn and apply, and one of the core ones is that what you focus on, you get more of. And because we’re so ABLE to fix problems, we focus on them and get a kick out of solving them. While simultaneously, a lot of smooth sailing was available to us in that same moment. But we didn’t look that … More Smooth sailing »

Mud on your shoes

Do your feet feel stuck in the mud? Wanting to get traction but it’s not really happening? Or you’re actually good to go, but everyone around you seems stuck in the mud? If you’re happy as a pig in mud, all good. But if you’re ready for change, allow yourself to reach for a new thought. New inspiration. A new person to talk to. A new type of book to read. A new kind of music to listen to. Our brains are really simple –  they can’t have two thoughts at one time. So, if you want to get out of the mud, reach for ANY new thought that takes you somewhere new. Mud baths are great and it’s healthy to allow ourselves to sit with our thoughts and accept we are as we are, and that things are as they are. If you get to a point where you want to get out of the mud, change your thought. Reach for the most positive thought available to you at that moment. That’s a great start. Then when you’re ready, hose down those muddy shoes – leave them to dry and try with some good, nourishing shoe polish. Your steps … More Mud on your shoes »

I’m so over it

Watching myself on a screen. Not since my teen years have I been looking that much at myself. Any of you out there who’ve “had enough of yourself”?? The activities that used to include face-to-face contact – choir, business meetings and networking, soccer matches and team training – were mainly me looking at other people. And not even watching as such, more being present while being aware of others around you. Aware of my physical presence but the focus was on the others! Can you image a soccer match or a choir rehearsal where you sat looking someone in the eye for the whole time? And simultaneously kept staring at your own reflection? Not really. Yet, our reality the last months has meant gallery view reality. Looking at boxes of people, observing them present or tuned out, glancing across gallery windows acknowledging all, making all feel included, being aware of everyone including constantly keeping an eye on my own presence and presentation. One day I realised that I was over it. Done looking at myself, being so aware of my gallery box. As a teenager, the mirror was the constant confidant, checking out my nose, my legs, everything. And before … More I’m so over it »

Fresh air or social contact?

Water. Fresh air. Electricity. Social contact. We’ve had quite some challenges during the last half-year. Which restrictions challenged me the most? Some pretty strong contenders right there. And to be honest: even if I miss you all terribly, the lack of fresh air during the months of the bush fires comes out as number one. Then electricity comes second – because even if I love simple living, even a short week without it in our neighbourhood this summer was a challenge. And all of us working from home currently across the globe wouldn’t be feasible either without electricity. Isn’t it classic how we only realise how much we value something when it’s gone or not accessible? Until then, we take it for granted. Therefore, I’m embracing two thoughts: 1) gratitude for ALL I have in my life, natural, emotional and man-made conveniences and treasures and 2) a renewed focus on efficiency in our businesses and lives – based on the definition of getting the results we want in the smartest possible way and with the LEAST use of resources. How can you apply that to your business and life? Acceptance and gratitude for what we have – and being efficient … More Fresh air or social contact? »

What would you bring on a deserted island??!!

The good old question which the whole world is living right now. We just didn’t know to plan for it and – like in the real deserted island scenario – we’re therefore left with whatever we had on hand when the ship hit the ground. The harsh reality hits: you may not enjoy the company of the family members or the flatmates you are stuck with currently. You may not even like your own company for such an extended period of time!? You may be fed up with your dwelling or the surroundings of your home. You may not be satisfied with the activities at hand. Or you may be really grateful and content! With how your deserted island is looking right now. There is a lot of deep appreciation happening currently – with the partners you love and live with, with your kids and how they tackle the situation, with the kindness and generosity of your neighbours and community even from afar. Our situations right now – for better or for worse – is a snapshot in time. It’s the current, busy lives we were each living being frozen in time. Repeated. Like in a movie or in a … More What would you bring on a deserted island??!! »

Shine that torch!

In times of crisis, we get the opportunity to step up. To focus on the most important things, to share overview and direction, to be even calmer and to support others in doing the same. The opposite is initiating, fuelling or being part of creating confusion, story, more worry or drama. Around the world, we have the chance to evaluate ourselves and our businesses in this light at the moment. The point is not that there IS a global event happening. The point is how we tackle it the best way possible, not only caring for ourselves but for those around us and where we can, help to impact others to lead themselves and others even more resourcefully. We all have a certain ‘setting’, a certain balance of certainty vs variety that we prefer. There is no right or wrong, some people are thrill-seekers and others prefer predictability. No matter your usual setting, there is probably a bit more uncertainty at the moment than what you prefer. Therefore, the best we can do for each other, our teams and our businesses is to give certainty. Make clear decisions and deliver clear communication. Accept the things we can’t do or change … More Shine that torch! »

Not another system?!

Who here has been trained in time management systems and – after weeks of implementation (and good intentions) – decided to go back to the basic systems you used before? This week in workshops and client conversations it’s been a theme that the best results often don’t come from big systems, but instead from applying one or two key principles to how we approach tasks and time. My favourite combination is this: What’s the outcome? Use 20-minute time pockets to deliver The first will become a welcomed habit: before any call, meeting or task, ask yourself which outcome you would like. Jumping heedlessly into your email inbox vs deciding the outcome of the next 20 minutes of email focus means everything for your productivity. The same goes for conversations. Many different schools of thought, like the Pomodoro method, use this second principle because it’s hard to keep focus and concentration for longer than 20 minutes at a time. Therefore, we help our wellbeing and efficiency by planning for windows of time with specific outcomes – and enjoy a stretch, a glance out the window or a tea before you dive dedicatedly into the next window of time. Would you like … More Not another system?! »

Close your eyes to smell…??!!

Aren’t our senses amazing? A quick question for you: which of YOUR senses do you use/rely on the most?? We’re looking forward to your replies below – one word can do it – thanks for sharing! The backstory for those of you with a bit more time: this week on my morning jog I enjoyed the smell of jasmine, freshly cut grass – and the bins ready to be emptied?! It took me back to years ago in my corporate career where I was so fully in my masculine, focused on delivering and driven by the need for control that I had shut down all my senses – except for the visual one. My sharp eyes (well, mainly because of laser surgery a few years ago😀), my big vision focus, the branding trained eyes, working with big picture strategy mixed with spotting a missing detail in a plan – I think you get the drift: visual was my main sense to rely on. I worked in a beautiful world of coffee and tea, and at the tasting sessions with our Master Roaster, I originally had to close my eyes (shut down that dominant sense of mine) to practise and dial-up … More Close your eyes to smell…??!! »